“I’m a confident young man in recovery who has hope for himself and believes that he is worth something. I love my life today and owe most of this to Cornerstone. I’m truly grateful. I’ve built relationships with people and memories that I will have for the rest of my life. I will always have a special place in my heart for Cornerstone for helping transform me into a person I love.”
“My son and family came to Cornerstone Team Counseling in a state of panic and disarray. The counselors introduced us to the 12 step recovery process and provided meetings, education, adventures and professional counseling to guide us and our son through recovery. My son is now sober for 4 years and my marriage is back on track. All things don’t always end up rosy as addiction is a deadly disease. We saw much heartbreak during our 4 years working with Cornerstone. You will get what you put into counseling. I highly recommend Cornerstone. They saved our son’s life.”
“I’m absolutely grateful that I stumbled into the doors of Cornerstone. The counselors have advocated for me in a way that has changed the course of my life. Recovery has opened up so many opportunities for me as well as brought healing to myself and my family.”
“My fifteen year old daughter had been using drugs. Her grades dropped and she was failing school. She was acting out and was completely uncontrollable. We discovered Cornerstone Team Counseling and the healing began in our family. It was a rough start, but the counselors and the peer group really supported her. Meanwhile, I attended the parent meetings, the Climbers parent group and learned new parenting strategies. I began my own recovery too. She participated in a Wilderness trip, which was a real turning point in her life. These counselors were a real godsend for our family and her. Today she has been sober 3-1/2 years, graduated from high school, works and is attending college. I truly believe that this saved her life.”
“When I came into Cornerstone Team Counseling I was broken. I was 19 years old, had “successfully” been kicked out of college, and was facing criminal drug charges. I was finally able to find a place that I felt as though I belonged. The unconditional love that was given to me was unbridled in my life, and I finally started to feel as though I could get better. My dad was in prison, my mom worked two jobs just to provide for us, and so I truly had no direction until I meet with these counselors. Today as I write this I look back with 6.5 years sober, a beautiful wife, a loving “functional” family, and a great career. I would not be the man that I am today without this guidance. Thank you Cornerstone for everything that you have enabled me to become .”
“From chaos and hopelessness, to peaceful and hopeful. God is at work in through these counselors. I’m so blessed to live in Houston, this guidance in recovery is unique in the way it helps families. As a parent initially seeking help for my kid, who didn’t want help, transforming my life was the catalyst of change. My restoration of sanity, love of self, self esteem, eventually my kid sought help. The counselors went out of their way to help us financially, please support these life changing professionals.”
“Our family was in chaos, living in fear, anger, resentment and didn’t know what to do when we learned our daughter was an addict. The counselors have taught me to live with addiction. I learned I don’t always get what I want—my daughter to stop being an addict and living the life I want for her—but I learned how to face challenges and be stronger and a better for having faced those challenges. The Cornerstone Team Counseling is a place of hope and support to get you through the rough times and taught me how to laugh again and take care of myself. I am so thankful for Cornerstone.”